Re: [FAO] SHAMEFUL INCIDENT (In Mumbai) ...I condemn it..
It is heartbreaking to see what these highly organized blood thirsty vultures have been able to accomplish, while the government of India and intelligence has no clue! My heart has been bleeding!
There is a lapse in the existing security to the extent of not even providing assistance to the guests in the Hotel who were able to escape on their own. It is unbelievable? Where is the intelligence?
This is not the first time it has happened, if not at that level. Credit goes to America for trying its best to defeat the evil designs of terrorists after 9/11. Why doesn't India make it a priority to fight terrorism?
What have we achieved by uniting all NRIs against terrorists. Isn't the enemy is within us?
Isn't this high time to go to the root of the problem? I feel strongly that India needs a fresh crop of sincere politicians who sincerely believe that the root cause is poverty, nepotism, corruption, hate, no human rights, anti-national elements which are destroying India.
Please remind these Indian politicians, visiting Ministers and their arrogant reps in the U.S. to put their act together. Innocent people shouldn't have to get killed every day. Innocent people are suffering in this great democracy. Kashmiri Nationalists who believe in mother India, have been suffering in refugee camps for two decades. Has anyone ever raised voice?
Do you know how many people in uniform are being killed while defending the country? All in the name of mother India? Why is the GOI silent? Who is going to take responsibility for this mess?
Jeevan Zutshi
In a message dated 11/26/2008 9:53:48 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Dear Mumbaikar's & friends,
last night Mumbai witnesses, a sensational and horrific terror strike unlike any ever before in the country, terrorists struck in the heart of Mumbai city, with sophisticated weapons and grenades, blasting their way in two five star hotels, central railway station, government hospitals, leading restaurants and many landmark locations in Southern Mumbai since 10 pm.
These Islamic terrorist crossed all barriers of being human, Terrorism and resistance are two different things. Resistance by the people of India as seen yesterday, was a sacred incident and challenge to the fundamental right and duty in all cultures, old and new, and enjoys sanction even in international law laid down by western countries although this right will be invoked only when a western country will fall under occupation.
Apart from this there is senseless violence by some Muslims which can't be justified by any ways, political, religious and historical. This Mumbai violence has received moral and material support from some wealthy and influential people in Muslim majority societies, especially the Pakistan.
These senseless Islamic terrorist have only succeeded in butchering their own youth and offering local governments a handle a reign of terror against our innocent Indian Muslim & Hindu populations.
It is a matter of shame for people in Muslim majority Country likePAKISTAN that when sons of Muslim approach them for help to build modern institutions like colleges, universities, research and media houses and the like, there is no response except for funds meant to build mosques and madrasahs. But if a few insane hotheads form a guerrilla Islamic Terrorist and go begging for funds with concocted tales of persecution they would not be disappointed. The correct approach should have been to tell these youth to go back to their home and make adjustment with their communities and governments, join civil society groups working for non-violent change, and live as useful and law-abiding citizens and try to earn respect and rights through hard work and dedicated service to their societies and countries. But, alas, this did not happen.
The Muslim press all over the world was and continues to be agog with stories of Muslim persecution, some purely concocted.
They need to wage a long-term "greater jihad" against their illiteracy and poverty. But this is a long and tiring Jihad which is practiced only by unhealthy societies like Pakistani. Bereft of a long-term vision, some disgruntled Muslim youths take the shorter and easier path of "lesser jihad" and in turn bring ruin and disrepute to their religion and co-religionists and only add new problems. This is not the Islamic path.
It is high time Muslim leaders and scholars around the world take a clear and strong stand that these insane elements are galaxies away from the Islamic message of universal peace, compassion and tolerance, that anyone fanning Shia-Sunni hatred is an enemy of Islam and friend of the enemies of Muslims. We totally disown these fanatics, condemn their ideology and their supporters whoever and wherever they may be.
Slowly "Jihad" became a cottage industry and Pakistan became the home and shelter of Jihadis of all colours from all over the world.
A lot of planning and petrodollars were involved in this enterprise. Within this congenial atmosphere, where even the state through ISI became a partner in the Jihad industry, a plethora of fanatic armed gangs started operating within Pakistan killing its own Sunnis, Shias, Muhajirs, Pathans and so on.
A lot of violent outfits in India were encouraged, financed, armed and trained to operate in Central Asia. This enterprise has brought only shame and disrepute to Islam and Pakistani rulers.
Despite Advani's unfounded claims about "Islamic terrorism" in our own country, Indian Muslims were mature and wise enough not to be lured or provoked into terrorism.
We have a clear example to offer: father of the Indian nuclear bomb became president of India while the father of the Pakistani bomb is discredited and disowned by his own masters. World's largest Muslim minority, which is bigger than the population of Pakistan, has a lesson for all Muslim minorities: shun the suicidal path of violence, adjust with your native societies, learn to live as loyal and try to reach high positions through hard work and sincere service to your home countries and the humanity at large. This will be a great service to Islam which teaches that "love of homelands is part of faith" as the Prophet, peace be upon him, had said.
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